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Palmarsh Primary School

More Than A School

Y4- Frog Class

Welcome to Frog Class!


Class Teacher: Mr Risby

Class TA: Mrs Mac

Term Four



Hello everyone,


Below is a grid of home learning activities from which you can choose to do, this will be updated every Monday. 

Also, you will find other links, which you will find useful: Times Tables Rockstars, Purple Mash, Spelling Shed and a link for White Rose: if you require logins for any of these, please email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible (email is at the bottom).


White Rose Maths have a few activities and videos to guide you on how to do the maths-this should be updated every week.

Purple Mash have a few computing activities, various games and this gives you a chance to explore the website. 

Spelling Shed have activities to practice spellings as well as links to Math Shed, where you will find plenty of games and activities. 

I have attached a Joe Wicks link. He will be doing a daily PE lesson- something that everyone can get involved with!


Most importantly, stay safe and look after yourself and your family. Keep positive and smiling and I look forward to seeing you all when we come back to school. 


Mr Risby.


Times Table Challenge


Learning your times tables is an incredibly important part of your education, therefore, Frog Class complete a 'Times Tables Challenge' twice a week.

This is against the clock with the pupils challenging themselves to complete the various levels, hopefully reaching the fabled 'Ultimate Challenge' which includes all 144 times tables!

Reading Challenge!


As in every year, reading is incredibly important skill to not only learn but to constantly improve upon. In Year 4, we love reading and challenging ourselves to read a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction books and texts. 


The more you read the more you know!

Knowledge is power!

Physical Education


Physical Education or PE, as many benefits to education. It provides many health benefits, both physical and mental, as well as increasing confidences and self-esteem. 

As always, I encourage all pupils to participate in PE, providing plenty of chances for them to show off new skills.

This term we will be participating in tennis and Pop Lacrosse both on a Monday.



However, it is important that all pupils wear the appropriate kit:

Plain white t-shirt

Black or white shorts

Trainers or Plimsols