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Palmarsh Primary School

More Than A School

Access and Equalities Policies and Action Plan

The Governing Body of Palmarsh Primary School is fully committed to the principles of equality of opportunity for every pupil and possible future pupil at our school.

To that end, the Governing Body has approved both an Accessibility Plan and an Equal Opportunities Scheme to which the school is fully signed up.

The Accessibility Plan considers three types of access essential to the effective operation of our school. 


• The first is physical access, ensuring that every child and parent, current and potential, will be able to access every part of our school building.

• The second is curricular access, ensuring that every child will have access to the curriculum of the school and that any barriers to that access are considered, and where possible, overcome.

• The third is information, ensuring that each member of the school community (staff, pupils and parents) has the ability to access any information concerning the school and its operations that is relevant to them.


The Equalities Scheme and Plan reflects the school’s commitment to ensure that in every aspect of the school’s life and operation, there is no discrimination against any of its stakeholders in terms of race, colour, gender, disability or any other personal aspects or attributes.

In both of these areas, the school is committed to the principle of continuous review and improvement and will endeavour, within the restraints of resources, to ensure the principles enshrined within these policies and schemes are developed into effective practice.

Parents may access full copies of the Accessibility Plan and Equality Scheme by enquiring through the school office. There will be no charge for the provision of these documents.